M4L Simpler Buddy (PWYW)
I've always wanted to be able to automate WARP settings in Ableton's Simpler, so I created this M4L device to make it happen.
Start by opening Simpler, then make sure you load a sample (WARP doesn’t work when sample isn’t loaded). After this, drag and drop the Simpler Buddy device right next to it. Now, you're in control of the WARP parameters.
For the best results, switch Simpler to SLICE MODE and experiment with automating everything on Simpler Buddy using some random LFOs.
You're welcome to grab this device for free, and if you like it, you can offer tips to support my research and artistic development :)
Don't forget to check out my other devices and follow me on social media for updates
Note: The version in the video is outdated and has been replaced by a more recent one.
Yraki_Simpler Buddy.amxd